Lobbying and Campaign Finance Compliance Deadlines in January 2025 (Plus Expiring Registrations)
January 7, 2025 | Chase Klingensmith, Dylan Busler
February 3, 2025 | Lauren Calhoun, Dylan Busler
Key Takeaways:
With hectic January behind us, February promises to be calmer. In February, only 20 states and 4 localities have disclosure reports due. Check out the map and table below to see which states and localities have deadlines this month. With many jurisdictions back in session, make sure you know if you will need to renew your registration for 2025 before lobbying. View the list of jurisdictions where registrations expired at the end of 2024 here.
Note that several states have time sensitive reports. For example, Colorado law requires lobbyists to report new bills and position changes on legislation, standards, rules, or rates within 72-hours of the position change while the legislature is in session. Positions include supporting, opposing, amending, and monitoring. In Wisconsin, an authorized person must report the bill, budget bill subject, proposed rule, or topic to the Commission within 15 days of the initial lobbying communication on behalf of the principal. This includes legislative topics that are not yet drafted. In Delaware, lobbyists must update their accounts within 5 days of lobbying a new issue or bill.
Localities and Territories with Disclosure Reports Due
State | Localities |
California | City and County of San Francisco |
City of San Jose* | |
New Jersey | Jersey City |
Washington | City of Seattle |
*The City of San Jose requires weekly disclosure reporting.
Additionally, Georgia and Louisiana, may require you to submit more than one disclosure report this month, depending on the level or branch of government you are registered in (e.g., executive, legislative, judicial, or local). Note that Georgia’s branches, or lobbying types, are slightly different (State, State Agency, State Transportation Board, Vendor, and Local).
In February, 14 states have campaign finance disclosure deadlines, plus the Federal Election Commission (FEC). If a political committee is registered in one of these states and is required to file disclosure reports, they must do so in February. Check out the map below for the states with important deadlines this month.
Political committees should be aware of their filing schedules. Some jurisdictions (Texas, for example) give the option to report monthly or quarterly. Also, be aware that some states require a political committee to report large contributions within a set time frame of receipt. Political committees should be reviewing contributions carefully to ensure they do not miss a required contribution- or expenditure-triggered deadline.
Keeping up with rules, deadlines, and often confusing requirements is a daunting prospect for teams of all sizes. Let us manage your federal, state, and local registration and reporting responsibilities, or manage your Campaign Finance program. Read more about our Compliance Services here, or get in touch here.
January 7, 2025 | Chase Klingensmith, Dylan Busler
January 6, 2025 | Ahana Dasgupta
December 19, 2024 | Bradley Coffey